My Fine Art Limited Edition Giclée Prints are made with the highest quality Velvet Fine Art paper and archival inks that last over 200 years. Prints can be purchase framed or unframed.

Email inquiries to the address below. A link will be forthcoming to purchase online.

Kék Szemek

I have always admired the simple and yet elegant style of Patrick Nagel. Many have tried to imitate it. But, in my opinion, none of them have succeded. This is my first attempt and I hope to do more in the future. The Hungarian model who inspired this piece has amazing blue eyes. Thus, Kék Szemek, which means "blue eyes" in Hungarian.

Medium 15" x 21"
Large 23" x 32" Kék-Szemek - Prussian-Blue

The Solar System to Scale

Welcome to our Solar System. In this scaled illustration you can accurately visualize the size of the sun and the planets in a relatively small space. The scale in the Medium print is 1" = 3,000 miles. The scale in the Large printe is 1" = 2000 miles. Enjoy!

Medium 21" x 16"
Large 32" x 23" Kék-Szemek - Sky-Blue

Taylor Black & Blue

My original "Taylor" drawing was created in 2017 using a Rapidograph pen, India Ink, and blue silkscreened paper. Today's inkjet printers can produce even richer blues & darker blacks. Thus, "Taylor Black & Blue" giclée.

Medium 21" x 16"
Large 32" x 23" Kék-Szemek - Sky-Blue